and he did it.
and I am so glad he did ;)
So here we are today. In a different city, in our own little house. Just us and our dogs and we are so happy.

To family I havent talked to or that may need to be reassured ;)
We are so happy here! Eric works A LOT! He is gone almost 12 hours a day and sometimes more. He leaves for work around 5am and most of the time is home between 5 and 6. He likes his job right now and the people in his unit. They are doing martial arts right now (why? ill never understand;) ) He seems to like it but is sore from it. He had to have another root canal, he got it done last friday and is still in some pain from it but only when he eats. As for me? Ive been keeping busy. There is a camp lejeune wives facebook page that i have joined. I made one post on someones comment about needing her hair done and i have been receiving emails everyday asking about hair! So for the time being I have been traveling to different girls houses and doing their hair. Its been a lot of fun and its been a good way to meet girls. I also have been taking Zumba at the gym on base and have met a girl there. She is really outgoing and loves to dance (hints how we became friends) ;) she was standing behind me in class the first day and I noticed her not being shy about dancing so we hit it off!! We havent had the chance to go out to dinner or anything with her and her husband yet but hopefully we can soon! A lot of you saw my facebook status about getting on base housing. I didnt get to go to the housing office that day (last friday) because we had a flood and the plumber was here. Still havent been because we are snowed in. We have been going back and forth (literally every day) trying to decide if we want to live on base or off. Right now we are just going to go ahead and put ourselves on the waiting list while we decide what to do. The housing that we want is a 5 to 7 month wait so that "should" put us at the end on our lease here. The dogs are perfect! They love the house, the yard and having Eric home!! Its been really nice having downtime after the holidays to get settled in. I have been doing a lot of cooking (need new recipes!!!) Since Eric has to leave so early we are usually in bed by 9...that took a lot of getting used too. I wasnt able to fall asleep until at least 12 most of the time 2 when we first moved here but now im out like a light!
We went to a new church last Sunday. The preacher was soooooo awesome. We both liked him a lot. The sermon was so good. It was about giving 100% to the Lord and taking risks for him. At the end of the service the preacher asked us to bow our heads and close our eyes. He said a prayer then asked us to keep our heads down and eyes closed. He asked if there was anyone that wanted to change their lives that day, was there anyone ready to make to best decision of their lives, was there anyone willing to do it now? He said if so, with everyones heads down and eyes shut raise your hand. To the people with their hands raised he said now that you have your hands raised are you willing to stand up, are you willing to come up here and let me pray for you and give yourself to the Lord? The church was silent. Then all the sudden we heard foot steps and the preacher saying God bless you sir, God bless you mam...he said it about 9 times. Then he made the announcement that there were 9 believers standing in front of us and that he wanted to make it ten. Then we heard him say "God bless you mam" There were 10 people standing in front of the church. I promise you it was one of the most amazing things ive ever seen. The preacher told them they just started their lives over and that every sin they ever committed and every regret they ever had could be washed away now. There were people of all ages up there. Some in their teens and some looked to be in their 50s and 60s. They all said their names out loud (while crying) so that we could all pray for them. It was sooooo awesome. Bless their hearts!

Its been a roller coaster ride, but its been the best ride of our lives.
Love always.