We had such a good week. since i wrote last we both went over to mamaws to spend some time with her and Peighton. It was so fun watching Peighton play, she is talking so much now. Mamaw was so sweet, she loved on Eric just like she loves on me. When we were leaving Eric and I could both tell that she didnt want to let go.
Another night we decided last minute to have a poker night, none other than yours truly one first and second place ;)
We went out to lunch with mamaw, papaw and aunt kathy to Hickory tavern. It was really good to spend some time with them. After lunch we went to see momma and alis house. ITS PERFECT!!! We both liked it a lot. momma got lots of new furniture and decorated really pretty, as usual! Im really upset about this but I left my camera at home that day on accident :(
Friday night we went over to Frank and Lindas for an awesome dinner. After dinner we played a really fun game with them, I was the only one who didnt win a round...boo! It wasnt the last time Eric saw them or will see them but i took a picture anyway!
Saturday we had Savannah Danny Waylon and Jeff over for a special "best friend dinner" We had sooooo much fun. We ate ceaser salad, steak, baked potatoes, Mac n cheese and garlic bread. for dessert we had peanut butter cookies!! It was a lot of food but we had to go all out ;) Once again no pictures from that night. Waylon is crawling around everywhere. We told Eric that waylon will be running around the house when he gets back!
Biscuit is really sick. We switched their food (gradually) about two weeks ago and he did fine at first. Macy was the one that got sick. Now Macy is fine and Biscuit is horrible. this is the first time that ive seen biscuit miserable and its not fun :( we decided to take him to the vet today. They gave him some antibiotics and some medicine to stop the diarrea. We have to give him the diarrea meds everytime he goes and we are almost out!! ughhhh!!! I hope he is feeling better by tomorrow. I would hate for Biscuits daddy to leave when he is so sick.
We just finished eating dinner (our last dinner :( ) I made Erics favorite! salsa chicken over rice! It was delicious! (if i do say so myself)
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but some how feeling warm inside because you're close in heart."
love always.
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